As our national response to the COVID-19 pandemic and the resulting municipal budget crisis in cities across the country amplify existing inequities in our communities, our parks and recreation system needs your help more than ever. Your tax-deductible gift to the Oakland Parks and Recreation Foundation has impact and leverage, helping us to support advocacy, fiscal sponsorship, park activation and youth scholarship programs that reach thousands of Oaklanders each year. There are many ways you can give to the Foundation and gifts of any size are appreciated.
Cash Donations
Most gifts to the Foundation take this form and it is as easy as writing a check or using a credit card to securely donate online. Checks should be payable to the Oakland Parks and Recreation Foundation and mailed to PO Box 13267, Oakland, CA 94661.
Gifts of Appreciated Property
With careful planning, charitable gifts of long-term appreciated securities or real estate can create very favorable tax benefits, such as eliminating long-term capital gains taxes and receiving an income tax deduction.
Gifts through wills and bequests can provide the opportunity to honor loved ones through the Foundation’s name recognition program. The Foundation will work with you and your attorney to provide the language necessary to insure that your intentions are clearly expressed.
Life Income/Charitable Trusts
Charitable Trusts and charitable gift annuities offer an opportunity to make a substantial gift to the Foundation without forfeiting the annual income produced by these assets. You can retain income for your lifetime and the lifetime of your spouse. This gift can also be structured to create a substantial tax benefit over a period of years.
Matching Gifts
Many employers will match your donation to the Foundation. Submit your company’s matching gift form with your contribution and it can significantly increase your support and associated giving level.
Life Insurance
Many people own some form of life insurance. Life insurance can play an important part in planned charitable giving. Life insurance for charitable purposes can be accomplished by: 1) the transfer of ownership of an existing policy to the Foundation; or, 2) the purchase of life insurance which names the Foundation as the beneficiary and/or owner.
Gifts In Kind
Gifts of goods or services can be of great financial assistance to the Foundation, while offering the donor a tax deduction for the fair market value of the gift. Please consult your tax advisor or contact the Foundation for further information.