It was great to be out with the Friends of Joaquin Miller Park at Lookout Point last weekend! Our Board President Mandolin Kadera-Redmond and Vice President Lena Zentgraf are pictured above with Dale Risden, Bonnie Sherwood and Paul Barale.
The Friends of Joaquin Miller Park have been in the news recently for their work to repair the Woodminster Cascade, remove invasive plants and bring cultural programming to the park. The group celebrated the restoration of the park’s reflecting pool and fountain on October 9.
The Oakland Parks and Recreation Foundation manages nearly $2 million on behalf of close to 100 community groups, including the Friends of Joaquin Miller Park. In addition, we provide tools, assistance and a platform to fundraise under our nonprofit umbrella.
To learn more about the Friends of Joaquin Miller Park, visit for information about current projects and to make a donation.