Alison Balano, Founding Director
Tarika Lewis, Co-Director
Michelle Jordan, Choral Director
EW Wainwright, Percussion Mentor
Oakland Spirit Orchestra is a multi-cultural performing arts ensemble composed of people of all walks of life. OSO features musicians, singers, and artists of all ages, from the neurodivergent to the neurotypical, and everyone in between.
Oakland Spirit Orchestra was founded in 2011 and has held fast to its mission of uplifting the spirits of the world with joyful music, kindness, and community service. This joyful ensemble springs from the blending of communities coming together to celebrate the spirit of life!
Please inquire about Oakland Spirit Orchestra with Alison Balano. alisonbalano23@gmail.com / (510) 332-5166
Make a Donation
Please make a check payable to the Oakland Parks and Recreation Foundation with Oakland Spirit Orchestra written in the memo line of the check. The Foundation’s mailing address is 360 Grand Avenue, #261, Oakland, CA 94610.
The Oakland Parks and Recreation Foundation is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. Your donation is tax-deductible to the fullest extent of the law. You will receive a donation receipt as your official record for tax purposes.
If you have any questions, please email us at hello@oaklandparks.org.